


  1. Teach English to Speakers of East Asiawith Dr. Lise Memn
  2. Chinese Language Teaching Method (substitute)
  3. Professional Development
  4. Pre-service Teachers’ Portfolio
  5. 多元文化教育
  6. 社會學習領域


  1. Beginning, intermediate, advanced, & accelerated Mandarin Chinese to heritage,  non-heritage & mixed classes
  2. 英語科教材教法
  3. 社會科教材教法
  4. 教育社會學
  5. 英語唱歌與遊戲教學法
  6. 性別教育


1.  大學部-博士生 (泰國Yonok 大學; 美國University of Washington-Seattle,; 美國University of Colorado-Boulder)

2.  國中程度: (台北市懷生國中,1994-95)
3.  小學程度: (桃園縣廣興國小,1984-1986; 台北市東門國小,1990)

I. 教育科目
  1. 普通課程與教學
  2. 多元文化普通課程與教學
  3. 國小社會科課程與教學
  4. 華人散居/移民教育
  5. 亞裔散居/移民教育
  6. 國語科教材與教法
  7. 英語教材與教法
  8. 雙語課程與教學
  9. 質的研究
  10. 多族群文學教學
  11. 教育心理學入門

II. 跨領域及中外語文
  1. All level of Mandarin Chinese language for BOTH non-heritage & heritage students
  2. Introduction of Chinese languages, literature, and civilization
  3. Beginning level of classical Chinese
  4. All level of Taiwanese languages
  5. Business Chinese & cross-cultural communication/management (with Department of Business & Psychology)
  6. Beginning and intermediate Buddhist sutra & Bible Chinese (with Department. of Religious Studies)
  7. Language Teaching methods on Chinese/Asian Languages (with Department. of Education, Linguistics, English)
  8. Diaspora, esp. on Asian Americans (with Department of Ethnic Studies)
  9. World of Chinese/Asia: An Introductory course (with Department of Asian Studies, History, arts school, medical school, nursing school, & Asian Languages) (See attached proposal)